Want to help ensure that access to high-quality, affordable and equitable healthcare is available for all Maine people? Want to be part of a movement working to improve the health and well-being of all people, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay? Then we want to hear from you!
Maine Primary Care Association is pleased to announce the Community Health Center (CHC) Ambassador Program. This grassroots advocacy program, open to health center staff, board members, patients, community partners, and concerned citizens, will help give voice to healthcare policies and priorities critical to Maine’s Community Health Centers and the hundreds of thousands of Maine people they care for each year.
The CHC Ambassador Program is designed to bring together volunteers who care deeply for Maine’s Community Health Centers. CHC Ambassadors will work with their local health center and MPCA to advocate for CHCs and to advance the policy priorities of Maine’s Community Health Centers.
There is no cost to join the program and CHC Ambassadors will receive our MPCA advocacy newsletter, access to trainings, events, informational resources, and opportunities to engage on legislative issues of importance at both the state and federal levels.
Become a Community Health Center Ambassador:
To become an ambassador, simply click on the button below, fill out your contact information, check the “CHC Ambassador Program” in areas of interest and hit “Subscribe.”
Share Your WHY:
Why do you stand up for Community Health Centers and their patients? Share your WHY here.
Advocacy Resources:
MPCA has curated a host of resources designed to support CHC Ambassadors. You can access those resources here.
CHC Ambassador Contacts:
Bryan Wyatt, Chief Public Affairs Officer
Hannah Hudson, Director of Policy